Post-Industrial Plastic Recycling A Form of Decentralized SWM

Post-Industrial Plastic Recycling A Form of Decentralized SWM | Seraphim Plastics

Post-industrial plastics represent solid waste. In that sense, they are no different from post-consumer plastics or any other form of solid waste that needs to be dealt with. But one of the things that makes it unique is this: recycling post-industrial plastics, at least the way we do it, constitutes a form of decentralized solid…

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How Plastic Recycling Can Help Support High Demand

How Plastic Recycling Can Help Support High Demand | Seraphim Plastics

Recycling industrial plastics isn’t the most glamorous industry in the world. We buy plastic, recycle it, and sell it to manufacturers who make new things. Sometimes it can seem quite mundane. But every once in a while, we are reminded just how important recycling plastic waste is. At the height of the COVID pandemic, certain…

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Industrial Plastic: The Rise and Fall of Manufacturing Materials

Industrial Plastic and Other Materials We Use

As a company built on the concept of commercial and industrial plastic recycling, we need to be incredibly careful about how we describe our business. We must constantly remind website visitors that we do not recycle post-consumer plastics. Industrial plastics are our thing. We can do what we do successfully because the demand for industrial…

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FTC’s Redefining Recyclable Plastics Could Change A Lot

FTC Considers Redefining Recyclable Plastics | Seraphim Plastics

There is a move afoot to convince the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to redefine recyclable plastics in such a way as to force language changes within the plastics space. At issue is whether recyclable plastics actually get recycled in the real world. Unfortunately, the FTC Green Guides debate misses the point. The FTC’s original Green…

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Preparing Postindustrial Recycling for Pickup

Preparing Postindustrial Plastic Loads for Pickup | Seraphim Plastics

One of the main advantages of recycling postindustrial plastics is working with materials that are recognizable and controlled. This allows us to put the responsibility of sorting and decontaminating plastics on the producer rather than handling them ourselves. Producers prepare plastic loads so that all we need to do is pick up and go. Does…

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