What Are You Looking for in an Industrial Plastic Buyer?

What Are You Looking for in an Industrial Plastic Buyer | Seraphim Plastics

The entire Seraphim Plastics team is proud to be able to say that we constantly strive to provide the best service possible. Whether it is buying and picking up post-industrial scrap plastic for recycling or filling orders for the plastic regrind we produce, making sure our customers are satisfied is priority number one. As a…

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3 Less Obvious Reasons Plastic Recycling Makes Sense

3 Less Obvious Reasons Plastic Recycling Makes Sense | Seraphim Plastics

Plastic recycling has been a hot topic for as long as most of us can remember. In terms of post-industrial plastic, industrial recycling has proven to be a profitable enterprise for both Seraphim Plastics and our competitors. At the same time, we fully understand that some producers of post-industrial scrap plastic do not see the…

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The Simple Pizza Box and What It Means to Recycling

The Simple Pizza Box and What It Means to Recycling | Seraphim Plastics

To the team here at Seraphim Plastics, it isn’t difficult to distinguish the differences between consumer plastic recycling and industrial plastic recycling. It is something we deal with every day. Understanding the differences is not so easy for the average consumer, though. People might know what post-consumer plastics are, but they do not tend to…

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Post-Industrial Plastic Recycling A Form of Decentralized SWM

Post-Industrial Plastic Recycling A Form of Decentralized SWM | Seraphim Plastics

Post-industrial plastics represent solid waste. In that sense, they are no different from post-consumer plastics or any other form of solid waste that needs to be dealt with. But one of the things that makes it unique is this: recycling post-industrial plastics, at least the way we do it, constitutes a form of decentralized solid…

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How Plastic Recycling Can Help Support High Demand

How Plastic Recycling Can Help Support High Demand | Seraphim Plastics

Recycling industrial plastics isn’t the most glamorous industry in the world. We buy plastic, recycle it, and sell it to manufacturers who make new things. Sometimes it can seem quite mundane. But every once in a while, we are reminded just how important recycling plastic waste is. At the height of the COVID pandemic, certain…

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