Recycling Solutions for Manufacturing Plants

Selling plastic for recycling in Arkansas sounds like a simple enough option, but it isn’t always as straightforward or obvious as you might like. Unfortunately, there’s simply no one-size-fits-all solution for recycling when it comes to the manufacturing industry. The incredible variety of products and materials produced by manufacturers creates an obvious challenge. That’s not…

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How Does Recycling Plastic Save Money and Benefit Your Business?

There are more than a thousand types of plastic being used in businesses in the United States. Plastic is used to make countless products, including packaging, furniture, and clothing. Your business can benefit immensely from recycling plastic materials. Here are five ways recycling plastic can boost your business. Save Money Recycling plastic can save your…

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Understanding Recycling’s Impact

While most people understand the importance of recycling, the impact the practice can have on the environment can be hard to fully imagine. For example, did you know that the U.S produces enough plastic a year to cover the entire state of Texas like a giant Jell-O mold? Or that manufacturers use 88 percent less…

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A Greener Planet: The Economic Benefits of Recycling

While most people understand the environmental benefits offered by recycling, many don’t appreciate the economic success recycling has offered businesses across the U.S. By transforming waste into valuable raw material, recycling creates needed jobs, enables manufacturing industries to become more competitive in the global market, and makes an indispensable impact on America’s economy. Recycling Works…

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